My Día de Reyes in Pictures

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Dia de Reyes is one of our favorite holidays. Here's a quick look at some of our celebrations this year.

Everything started on the morning of January 5th, when our kids wrote their letters to the Reyes Magos, attached them to balloons, and let them go.

cartas a los Reyes Magos

The one with the long letter is my kid's.


Here is my son looking up for his letter


Our Rosca de Reyes 2013


Usually Roscas de Reyes have small dolls representing baby Jesus. This Rosca gave us a surprise. We found a few different figures. This one, for example, is St. Joseph (covered in dough still). We also found two shepherds, a camel, and a baby Jesus.


Our kids left their shoes next to the Nativity set, and went to bed happily, hoping to get their toys the next morning.


Our breakfast on January 6th, more rosca and hot chocolate.  Perfect start to the day.


And my kids were very happy playing with their new toys!


Silvia Martinez
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