Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

Silvia -

Thanks to the great folks at Ziploc® for sponsoring this post. As always, my comments, opinions, and yummy snacks are my own.

In my continuing quest to both live a healthier life and lose weight, I'm doing something different this year. I thought instead of making long term goals, I perhaps should try shorter term goals. My thinking is this will give me some quick success, inspiring and encouraging me to keep going.

So I found two things to do.

1. The first was to include other people in my goal – a group of friends and I decided to lose a specific, small percentage of our body weight in just 4 weeks, which is going well so far.

2. The second was to work with Ziploc®. I accepted an invitation from Ziploc® to take one of their “Feats of Fresh” challenges which lasted just one week.

My challenge was to increase my energy in seven days by making small changes in my daily routine.

I am hoping that telling my story might inspire you to do the same, or something similar. Perhaps for you it will be drinking more water, lowering your consumption of caffeine a little bit, or starting to do a little exercise. You'll be surprised what you can do in just seven days.

Silvia walking -

My Formula 20/3

My first small change was walking for 20 minutes, three times per week. I thought it would be easy and it was! Having said that, it was a change for me.

Much of my time is spent sitting in front of the computer screen working, or carting kids back and forth to school, etc. By focusing on these three short walks during the week, it didn't just raise my energy level, but it made me feel better, too.

From now on, when I have the opportunity to walk instead of driving, I'm sure I'll be more likely to do it!

Snacks in the fridge

Smart Snacks

The second small change: Normally, I have two complete meals and one light meal per day. But between meals I always feel a little hungry, which is why I included snacks as a part of my challenge.

I watched my behavior for a full day and noticed that when I get a little hungry I tend to check the fridge or the pantry and grab whatever I see first, without much thought to what it is or the size of the portion, or if there might be a healthier choice available.

Because of this, I decided to take just one half hour of my time to prepare some snacks in daily portions for the whole week.

grapes, apple, banana -

What I discovered is that preparing the snacks actually saved me time in the end, in addition to helping increase my energy level and raising my spirits. You can see some of the fruit snacks I prepared above. Have you ever tried apples with lime and chile? Delicious.

nuts and cranberries -

Here is one of my favorites – snack bags with almonds, cranberries and peanuts.

I also found washing, cutting, and filling Ziploc® brand containers with vegetables helped me to eat healthier, and made it easier to just grab one without thinking or worrying about it.

One simple change I made during the week that made a big difference was preparing my Cauliflower with Rice Vinegar and Curry Salad, instead of cauliflower my normal way with salad dressing.

snacks with veggies -

Protein: My Best Friend

I have also started eating a little bit more protein in the mornings and already feel more energetic. An egg for breakfast, a protein-rich smoothie in the mid-morning, a bowl of beans at lunch (the Ziploc® brand VersaGlass® Containers were really nice for this, because they are microwave safe) or a snack with ham and cheese are just some of the ideas that worked for me during the week.

Protein snacks -

So, do you want to challenge yourself to increase your energy in a week? If you haven't been exercising, why not try just 3 short walks for 10 minutes each to get started? Want to decrease your caffeine intake?

Why not change your mid-day coffee for fruit juice? Or your morning coffee for a fruit and yogurt smoothie? Or have herbal tea in the afternoon?

I invite you to join the challenge and try a Ziploc® “Feat of Fresh.”

What would you like to change for one week in your life? Check out some more ideas on the Ziploc® brand Facebook page or on their Pinterest page and let me know how it goes.

Small changes can make a big difference.

 I hope you enjoyed this post. Please note it is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Be sure to check with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any diet or exercise program. For more information please see Mama Latina Tips' Health Disclaimer.

Silvia Martinez
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