Celebrities at Disney-Pixar Inside Out Purple Carpet World Premiere


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Silvia Martinez at Disney/Pixar Inside Out World Premier

Last Tuesday I had the chance to walk the purple carpet for the world premiere and pre-party of the highly anticipated new Disney/Pixar movie, Inside Out, opening in theaters on June 19th, 2015. Although the sun beat down on Hollywood Blvd with a little extra intensity that day, it was still exciting for everyone who worked on the film and their families. Of course, it was also an amazing day for the 24 bloggers, including me, who were invited to the event as well.

It may sound silly, but every time I go to one of these one-of-a-kind events, I wonder to myself before, “Which color will the carpet be this time?” Gnomeo & Juliet was blue-white-red, Frozen's premiere was white, Cinderella's premiere was red, and World of Color's was blue. Since a single picture speaks a thousand words, I thought it best to share a few from Inside Out's purple carpet…

Disney-Pixar Inside Out World Premier in Pictures

The pre-party took place right outside the iconic El Capitan Theater.

Inside-Out Purple Carpet Premier - mamalatinatips.com

Here is where media wait for the arrival of celebrities.

Media at Inside Out premier - mamalatinatips.com

Bordering the purple carpet were lots of posters with the movie characters on them. Perfect for a photo!

Poster of Joy - Inside Out - mamalatinatips.com

Just before the entrance to the private party stood the Inside Out headquarters control panel.

At Inside Out Headquarters - mamalatinatiips.com

Look who I saw at the entrance to the party. The talented, and, I must say, very good looking, Kyle MacLachlan, who is the voice of Riley's dad in the film!! Be sure to check out my interview with him next week!

Kule MacLachlan - mamalatinatips.com

I love how the Disney special events team used the decorations to make guests feel like they were inside the movie.

Pre-party Inside Out world premier - mamalatinatips.com

One highlight of the event were the amazing cupcakes…

Inside Out Cupcakes - mamalatinatips.com
 … I liked the broccoli pizza, too,…

Broccoli Pizza - mamalatinatips.com

…and the irrepresibly funny, and very kind, Billy Crystal (here with Yolanda Machado, Tee Burgess, Shelby Barone, and me).

Yolanda, Tee, Shelby and Silvia with Billy Crystal - mamalatinatips.com

I was thrilled to have a picture taken with the talented Mexican actress, Angélica María. A true icon.

Silvia Martinez con Angélica María - mamalatinatips.com

After the party, and right before the movie premeire, all the cast had their pictures taken and I was right there snapping photos:

Mindy Kaling, Lewis Black, Bill Hader - mamalatinatips.com
Joy, Mindy Kaling, Lewis Black, Bill Hader at Inside Out World Premiere ©mamalatinatips.com
Disney/Pixar Inside Out Cast - mamalatinatips.com
Joy, Mindy Kaling, Lewis Black, Amy Poehler, John Lasseter, and Sadness at Inside Out World Premiere ©mamalatinatips.com

Then we headed into the theater.

Since it was a world premiere, we couldn't take any pictures inside, but I have always loved the way the El Capitan Theater marquee looks at night, so here is a picture just for you:

El Capitan Theater Marquee at night - Inside Out - mamalatinatips.com

After the movie Inside Out - mamalatinatips.com

The movie was amazing and I will be telling you more about it in my review this Friday. Before I say goodbye today though, here are a few more celebrity pictures and a video of the pre-party. Enjoy!

Mindy Kaling at Inside Out Premier - mamalatinatips.com
Mindy Kaling at the premiere and party for Disney•/Pixar’ INSIDE OUT at El Capitan Theatre ©Disney/Pixar
Sadness, Amy Phehler and Joy at Inside Out premier - mamalatinatips.com
Amy Poehler at premiere and party for Disney•/Pixar’ INSIDE OUT ©Disney/Pixar
Phyllis Smith at Inside Out premier - mamalatinatips.com
Phyllis Smith at premiere and party for Disney/•Pixar’ INSIDE OUT ©Disney/Pixar
Richard Kind at Inside Out premier - mamalatinatips.com
Richard Kind at premiere and party for Disney•/Pixar’ INSIDE OUT ©Disney/Pixar
Pinkd and daughter at Inside Out Premier - mamalatinatips.com
Pink and daughter at premiere and party for Disney•/Pixar’ INSIDE OUT ©Disney/Pixar


Minnie Driver at Inside Out premier - mamalatinatips.com
Minnie Driver at premiere and party for Disney•/Pixar’ INSIDE OUT ©Disney/Pixar

Who is going to the theaters this weekend? I hope you all are!


Thanks to the Walt Disney Studios for the invitation, lodging, and transportation to the premeire. All comments, opinions and my love for Disney movies are my own.

Silvia Martinez
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