Meeting Station 19’s Jaina Lee Ortíz and Friends

Most decisions about what we watch on TV are taken by my whole family. As a result, we watch mostly kid and teen shows. Don't get me wrong, they're fine, but once in a while I like to watch shows meant for grown-ups, too.

Station 19 is one. So I work hard to make sure the kids are in bed and tucked in in plenty of time to watch my show.

Showrunner & Executive Producer Stacy McKee, actress Jaina Lee Ortiz (“Andy Herrera”) and actor Boris Kodjoe (“Captain Robert Sullivan”).

Now sometimes life serendipitously puts us in situations we don't expect. That's what happened last week when I got to visit the set of the ABC network show, Station 19. Have you seen it?

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So you can imagine my surprise when I walked through the door and the first person I see is Jaina! I got a little star struck to be sure.

I've been a fan of Station 19 from day one. One of my favorite characters is “Andy Herrera,” played by Jaina Lee Ortíz. I love the character because she's strong, smart and Latina! Plus, I really enjoy scenes where she sprinkles in a little Spanish. It speaks to me personally. 

And just like that my adventure at Station 19 began. I wanted to share it with you.

First we had an interview with Showrunner & Executive Producer Stacy McKee, Jaina, and actor Boris Kodjoe, who plays “Captain Robert Sullivan”. They were so generous and so kind. After being with them I could tell they have a great time working together. See for yourself in this video:

Touring the Set

After the interview, we took a tour of the set, meeting other members of the cast as we walked through. Here is Alberto Frezza (“Ryan Tanner”):

And here is Jason George (“Ben Warren”)

Look at how many props this set has!

I love this green fireplace.

A shiny, red truck!

And of course I couldn't leave without taking pictures with Jaina and Boris.

Are you a fan of Station 19, too? Keep reading for details about today's episode. And if you haven't seen it, check it out tonight.

Station 19 airs Thursdays at 9|8c on The ABC Television Network or you can find it streaming on the ABC app. 

Today's episode:

“Last Day On Earth” (written by Phillip Iscove and directed by Steve Robin) – Just when Ryan agrees to talk it out with his dad, Greg Tanner makes an unexpected visit to Station 19, leaving Ryan and others confused. In an effort to connect with his crew, Captain Sullivan enlists the help of an unlikely source for some bonding tips-  

STATION 19 – “Last Day On Earth” (ABC/Eric McCandless) JAINA LEE ORTIZ, DANIELLE SAVRE

Follow #Station19 and #ABCTVEvent for behind the scenes and other fun information. I'll “see you” on twitter tonight.


Silvia Martinez
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